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2023 Canopy Hot Button Report published, Tangshan Sanyou again maintains "Dark Green Shirt" rating.

Date: 2024.02.04

Publisher:Sanyou Group

On 21st November 2023, the 2023 Canopy Hot Button Report was released and Tangshan Sanyou has improved its hot button score from 30 in 2022 to 31.5 in 2023, continuing to maintain its "Dark Green Shirt" rating.

The Canopy Hot Button Report assesses the risk level of regenerated cellulose fiber producers sourcing from high carbon sink forests and the leadership performance of next-generation products. The goal is to encourage brands, retailers, and regenerated cellulose fiber producers to reduce the pressure on forests from industry chain activities, and to contribute to the fight against climate change and the preservation of biodiversity. Tangshan Sanyou's efforts in forest protection, next-generation product development, and the construction of a transparent and traceable supply chain have contributed to the awarding of the "Dark Green Shirt" by Canopy once again.

Promoting Sustainable Forest Management

Tangshan Sanyou is committed to forest conservation and the sustainable management of forests. Playing a leading role in the dissolving pulp and cellulosic fiber industry, together with Canopy and other regenerated cellulosic fiber producers, Tangshan Sanyou has sent a letter to the parties of Convention on Biological Diversity calling for the fulfillment of the goal protecting at least 30% of the world's pristine and endangered forests by 2030; Tangshan Sanyou adhere to the responsible sourcing of raw materials and continuously increases the use of FSC-certified pulp, thus successfully having completed the CanopyStyle 2023 auditing.

Next Generation Solutions

With sustainability as the core concept, Tangshan Sanyou is active for next-generation solutions. Using wasted textiles as a raw material source, Tangshan Sanyou has developed the recycled fiber TangcellReVisco, which has been commercially mass-produced with a capacity of 40,000 tons/year, and ReViscofiber with the 30% percentage of wasted cotton textiles is being circulated in the market in large quantities.

Innovation never stops. Tangshan Sanyou owns the core technology of recycled fiber production, and at the end of August in 2023, through technological innovation and upgrading, Tangshan Sanyou increased the percentage of wasted cotton textiles in ReViscofiber to 50%, and plans to increase the percentage of wasted cotton textiles in ReViscofiber to 100% according to the market demand, with a production capacity of 200,000 tons gradually expanded.

In the next step, Tangshan Sanyou will continue to promote the cooperation with Canopy, call on more supply chain enterprises to join in the action of protecting the forest and climate environment, building a green and sustainable supply chain, and further expanding the application of next-generation products.