Sustainable Development

Tangshan Sanyou chemical fiber 2022 pulp procurement policy

Date: 2022.10.20

Fibre Procurement Policy for Protecting Forest


Effective: 18-Oct-2022

Tangshan Sanyou Group Xingda Chemical Fibre Co.,Ltd is committed to playing a leadership role in the dissolving pulp & cellulosic fibre industry and will work with our wood fibre suppliers and Canopy in order to promote sustainable forest management and the protection of ancient and endangered forests.

 Tangshan Sanyou Group Xingda Chemical Fibre Co.,Ltd supports the production of cellulosic fibres & fabrics from wood fibre that is not sourced in ancient and endangered forests, such as Indonesia’s tropical forest and Canada’s Boreal Forest, unless meaningful conservation plans and FSC certification are in place.

The following principles apply to all man-made cellulosic fibres, fabrics and textiles, including but not limited to rayon, viscose, lyocell, modal and trademarked product lines produced by our company. This commitment addresses our own operations as well as our procurement practices. This policy supports principles that result in long-term environmental, social and economic benefits.

Scope of Commitment

All of our operations, including companies we control, manage and/or have an investment in – will be in compliance with this policy.

We will source our raw material only through suppliers that are transparent, traceable and comply with this policy.

If suppliers contravene these criteria, we will first engage them to change practices and then re-evaluate our relationship with them if we find that fibre is coming from sources that do not meet this policy.

Conservation of Ancient & Endangered Forests and Intact Forest Landscapes:

Tangshan Sanyou Group Xingda Chemical Fibre Co.,Ltd supports a future that does not use ancient and endangered forest for dissolving pulp to make cellulosic fibres. We will, therefore:

 ·  Assess our existing use of wood pulp and fibre and ensure that we are not sourcing fibres made from ancient and endangered forests areas such as the Canadian and Russian Boreal Forests; Coastal Temperate Rainforests; tropical forests and peatlands of Indonesia, the Amazon and West Africa, or endangered species habitat.

 ·  Eliminate sourcing fibre from other controversial sources including companies that  are logging forests illegally iii and from tree plantations established after 1994 through the conversion or simplification of natural forests.

Recognizing, respecting and upholding human rights and the rights of communities

We will request that our suppliers respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights   and acknowledge indigenous and rural communities legal, customary or user rights to their territories, land, and resources.iv To do so, we require that our suppliers acknowledge the right of Indigenous People and rural communities to give or withhold their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) before new logging rights are allocated or tree plantations are developed, resolve complaints and conflicts, and remediate prior human rights violations through a transparent and accountable grievance mechanism  and mutually agreeable dispute resolution process.

Innovative and Alternative Fibre Development

We will collaborate with Canopy, innovative companies and suppliers to explore and encourage the development of fibre sources that reduce environmental and social impacts. Where appropriate, we will play an active role in the research and development and eventual adoption of commercial scale production of pulp and cellulosic fibre made from alternative fibre sources such as agricultural residuesv and recycled fibres.

Advocacy for Conservation Solutions

Working with Canopy we will support collaborative and visionary system solutions that protect remaining ancient and endangered forests such as the Coastal Temperate Rainforests of Vancouver Island and Great Bear Rainforestvi, Canada’s Boreal Forestsvii, and Indonesia’s Rainforests.viii

Forest Certification

 We will preference fibre sourced from forests that are responsibly managed forests, certified to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification system. FSC certified plantation are part of the solution.

Transparency, Traceability and Verification

We will work with stakeholders to develop third party verification systems of our operations and supply chain and be verified low risk of sourcing from ancient & endangered forest.

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Footprint

Recognizing the importance of forests and peatlands as carbon storehouses, we will support initiatives that advance forest conservation to reduce the loss of high carbon value forests, by encouraging vendors and suppliers to avoid harvest in these areas, and by giving preference to those that use effective strategies to actively reduce their greenhouse gas footprint.

Pollution Prevention

Pulp and viscose manufacturing is a resource-intensive process that can lead to air and water emissions that impact overall environmental quality. This policy does not address these other critical environmental issues, however, we will invest in and use the cleanest dissolving pulp and viscose manufacturing technology.


We recognize the benefit of creating environmental awareness among our customers, employees and peers. As such, we will highlight our environmental efforts on our website and in public communications.


                     Tangshan Sanyou Group Xingda Chemical Fibre Co.,Ltd   